Monday, October 21, 2013

Progress Towards a Settled Life...Once Again :)

Since we've been here, we've moved in, set up our house to become our home, potty trained Asher - Woohoo! - signed him up for gymnastics, killed black widows and scorpions, started preschool at our place, made friends, and explored! - Well, admittedly we have explored in El Paso and not so much in Ciudad Juarez :)  Let's just say there isn't too much going on in Ciudad Juarez, and come on, when you have all the perks that America provides after being deprived for the past two years, it's kinda hard to stay away :)  Here are some random pictures from our time here:

Our potty trained boy, hanging out in boxes with dad :)  Potty training went surprisingly well - yay!!  We did the full day of drinking lots of liquids, and going to the bathroom every 15 minutes, followed by a reward of two skittles, and it was great!  Within the next couple of days, he was going on his own, and sleeping through the night without wetting the bed!  Who said this was hard? ;)  Just kidding, I realize how lucky I had it on this one.  But he was already training himself even before we officially started.  He was just ready!

Our bunk bed boxes :)

Ryan, Sean's brother sent a set of Wolverine claws to Asher, who had a great time slashing...


Asher's first venue birthday party for one of his new friends.  He had a great time!

Playing video games with dad...

But apparently he was a little down when the birthday song started being sung...we have no idea what was going on - just that he needed a quiet moment to himself :)

Our eating treats pictures :)

And of course, we needed some new bath pictures.  I love this little (big) boy!  He's such a sweet heart.

And of course - our first of two scorpion sightings in our house.  Apparently, we need to purchase some black lights and going night scorpion hunting... While they don't freak me out, I think I'll pass!  I think I've had enough critters so far.  Albania really spoiled us!  I think we only saw a couple small spiders in our house and that was about it.  That I can handle!  Black widows?? No thank you!  Fortunately, they weren't actually in the house.  Just on the outside of it - but still!

I started doing preschool once a week for Asher and the other boy his age in the neighborhood.  We needed something educational, as well as social.  I wasn't thrilled with putting him in preschool five days a week from 8-2, so I opted for this.  It's been going so well, and Asher has been learning and having fun.  Yay!
He's also started gymnastics twice a week.  It's great to get out, and to give him a structured environment where he has to follow rules, and directions from someone other than me.  Plus, he gets to run around and get some energy out - woohoo!  It is basically fun obstacle courses that he goes through that teach balance, coordination, and other physical skills.  It's been really good for us both :)
We are definitely getting settled, and it has been great for us all.  This place really isn't bad at all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys are liking Mexico...El Paso...and getting settled in. That's awesome that Asher was so easy to potty train! Though I'm a little jealous as I'm currently potty training Ryan and it's not going so well. Maybe since you're so much closer I'll have a chance to see you again someday.
