Thursday, July 24, 2014

In Search of Cooler Temps and Trees in Cloudcroft, NM

After a long, hot spell in El Paso, we decided we needed to escape to a cooler locale and do something outside in the shade.  Cloudcroft, NM was exactly what we needed! Trees, mountains, hiking trails, shade, and temperatures in the 70s!  What more could you ask for? So off we went...

Our goal and final destination - the railroad tracks that lead to nowhere.  Now we just had to find the trail and walk there!

Before we started our hike, we stopped and had lunch under the beautiful green trees, in the gorgeous cool weather.  I miss you green!!

Everly snoozed, while we ate.  I'm going to tell myself that she was also enjoying napping in the beautiful weather.

Then we began our hike!  Below is Asher with the first of at least ten walking sticks.

Our new, bigger, family!

Some shots along the way...

Father and son

Stopping to smell the flowers (or something) with Grammy.

We hiked, and hiked.  While the trail was only about a mile, there were a lot of switchbacks, and inclines... 
It made the hike a bit harder than we were expecting...

But then we made it!!

The railroad tracks!

Time for a little rest... and for flashing gang signs, apparently...

After we hiked back, we drove into downtown Cloudcroft, ate some ice cream, and then headed out.  On the way out, we saw a giant pinata being hit on the side of the road.  Yes, that is a crane holding it up :)

Then we stopped by the Apple Barn to pick up some fudge and old school sodas (Sasparilla anyone?), and of course, Sean instilled a healthy fear of the giant apple head guy in Asher...  
After all, any fictitious character that looks that happy is undoubtedly up to something sinister.

We had a great time!  We didn't realize how much we were missing the green trees until we got there.  I was very excited that we were going back east in a few weeks!!

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