Tuesday, March 5, 2013

We're Back!

Due to an inadvertent deletion of half my blog pictures, I've been hiding away, licking my wounds, and mourning my loss...The amount of time it will take to put the pictures back up overwhelms me, but I've decided it is time to continue on with my blogging.  I have six months to catch up on, so it may take time, but it will happen.  I need to do this mainly because this is my journal, and I want to be able to look back and see where my life has taken our family. 

Before I catch up on the posts of things we've done, I wanted to do an Asher update. :)  What can I say - I love my little boy.  He is talking up a storm, and has a great, loving personality...in spite of his tendency to scowl for every picture I try to take of him :)

Asher turns two and a half on Thursday, and it amazes me how fast time is going.  I'm going to highlight a some of the things that makes him so lovable. 

But first, Asher is now binkie (aka pacifier) free!  As of a month or two ago, we had a very smooth transition to a binkie-free boy.  Yay!!  One less thing to worry about having/losing when we are traveling.  Shume mire!

Right now Asher loves the following:
  •  Playing with his cars - more specifically he loves playing in pretend water and washing the cars, or making his cars go down waterfalls.  He also likes taking a blanket and making it into a mountain to drive his cars over.
  • Reading books.  His current favorites are the David books, 'David Smells' and 'David Gets in Trouble' rank at the top.  Oh, and  the "I'm a Monster" Sesame Street book.

  • The Lorax and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Asher loves the Lorax!  It is definitely his most watched movie, and a life saver when he's in a mood where he just needs a distraction.
Eating carrots and red bell peppers while watching the Lorax

  • Wrestling with dad - They should be an acrobatic duo with how Asher loves to fly and dive and roll with Sean, but he loves to jump and climb on him too.
  • Jumping. Asher has been jumping since he was 4 months old. For Christmas, Grandma Trish got Asher an indoor small trampoline that he loves. That along with the couches, and the neighborhood trampoline, jumping is what he does best. I've already looked up tumbling classes for three year olds for when we get to Mexico, and they have them! Asher has some amazing skills when it comes to tumbling, balancing and anything related to athletic abilities for this age.

  • Riding around in our baby walker :)  A couple of weeks ago, our friend came over with her 10 month old.  I brought out the baby walker that Asher used, to see if their baby liked it.  He did, but so did Asher.  He got reacquainted with his walker - haha.  It's pretty funny to see him zooming around all over the house in it :)

  • Mud.  Because it is the rainy season, mud has been our constant companion for the last three months.  When it's not raining, of course we have to go outside.  But when we do, the mud puddle, swampy ground and wetness are waiting for us.  After three months, I'm done with the rain, and the washing mud out of clothes and off of boots every day.  But it keeps Asher happy, and he loves jumping in and riding his big wheels through puddles!

Only two, and they are already tech savvy - what can ya do?
Of course we enjoy a cup of hot chocolate after playing in the mud :)


  • Asher is a great talker!  He's working on words starting with "s", and his "er" sound.  We have a friend named Erin, and when Asher says her name is comes out "Urr-in" instead of "Err-in".  It's pretty cute. 
  • He's a very polite little man!  He says "please" and "thank you" all the time.  I love his "thank you, mommy"  It melts my heart.
  • He's got his sentences down too. A month or two ago after Sean left for work in the morning, Asher turns to me and says, "Daddy go to work at the embassy, mom?"  He's a bright little kid.
  • Monster Voices....Ever since our Italy trip, Asher has his monster voice down.  About half of his words come out in a low-piched, gravily monster voice.  It's very endearing!
  • A few months ago we had a funny situation.  Sean had crouched down to talk to Asher about something.  Maybe Asher was in trouble for something, I can't remember.  What happened was this - Sean crouched down, and Asher slapped Sean's face.  It was no ordinary, little kid slap, he wound up, stepped into it and followed through with his whole body.  Before Sean could even respond, within half a second, Asher looked at Sean, put his hands under his armpits, flapped his arm like a bird and with the cutest, littlest voice said, "I chicken, Daddy, I chicken."  So how do you defuse a tense situation?  Pull out the most random animal gesture, and say that you are that animal in the most innocent way possible...  We were both cracking up by his cute randomness.
  • Sean had another random run in where Asher got away with something because he was funny and clever.  He was being stubborn and refused to say sorry for hitting, so Sean placed him up in his crib.  He kept getting out and Sean kept putting him back in, my two stubborn boys and neither would budge, until Asher opened the door.  Sean was standing there, ready to put him back in the crib if he did not say, "I'm sorry."  Asher was wearing a long sleeve shirt, and had pulled one of his hands into the sleeve.  He peered up at Sean with a sly look and said, "Daddy, where's the hand?  Where's Asher's hand?" and then I put on a fake look of amazement, popped it out of his sleeve and said, "There it is, Daddy!  There it is!  Asher ok!"  Sean started laughing, they hugged and Asher got out of having to apologize for something.    
Asher is growing so big (40lbs!) and so quickly.  We are currently in the process of moving out of Albania, and are amazed by how fast our tour has gone by.  One of the families, with whom we were very close, just moved last week and now we are (I am) in countdown mode.  Three weeks from tomorrow!! 

Funny story about that - Our friends who just left took a school bus to the airport, because there are six of them, plus their luggage (12 + carry ons), so they wouldn't have fit in a minivan :)  A couple days before, they brought the bus put to drive around the neighborhood to make sure it was running alright.  It stopped in front of their house, and Asher noticed it - "School bus, mommy!!  School bus!"  I looked out the window, and sure enough, there was a school bus.  The poor kid has grown up in Albania and only seen school buses on cartoons and his toy cars, he was beside himself when a real one pulled up in our neighborhood.  I told him that we were going to go outside and go see the school bus!  I put on his clothes (because half the time he is running around in only his diaper), and as we were walking down our front steps, the bus started to drive away.  This resulted in poor Asher breaking down into tears, crying, "Schoooool Buuuussss, where's the school bus going!!"  It broke my heart, it was so sad :(    But before our friends left, all the neighborhood kids were able to play on the bus.  This made Asher's day.  He was ecstatic!! He finally got to play on the school bus - yay!!

Goodbye Asher's second family!!  We will miss you all very much!

We have loved Albania, but are excited for the next chapter in our life.  I'm worried about how Asher is going to cope with the constant moving around over the next couple of months until we get to Mexico.  He doesn't understand moving yet, but he is a resilient boy.  Plus we will be around lots of family, so it will be good fun for everyone! 

Over the next three weeks, I will be catching up from Halloween to Christmas, plus all our trips in between.  In the meantime, here are some more pictures of our wonderful little boy!


Happy 2013!!


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