Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shoes, shoes and more SHOES!

In the past few months Asher has acquired a strong liking of shoes.  If he finds a new pair of shoes, he is quick to try them out.  He has definitely developed a few favorites along the way, most of which are not his,  nor are they necessarily gender neutral.  He has developed a tendency of begging for and trying to steal shoes off the feet of anyone who visits us in our home.  And if they are not fast enough to get them off their feet, we all hear about it!  I've been taking pictures of him whenever he has the inclination to try out a new pair...

Mom's duck boots (he is leaning on the side table that he likes us 
to place upside down so that he can ride in it like a car or a spaceship)

Caught in the act!


Mom's sneakers (these were a favorite for awhile)

The picture with his eyes closed is his face in anticipation of the flash from the camera :)

Mom's rain boots


Mom's red shoes - 
another favorite that has caused some unwanted screams of frustration when he couldn't quite put them on right.  And as if the shoes weren't enough, he likes to accessorize with his fabulous chicken necklace - Sean is never very happy when he sees this combination.


Bring on the heels! Look how good they make his legs look ;) 
And the fact that he can walk down our stairs in high heels that are twice his size amazes me!


  Every time our friend comes over, Asher runs over and immediately points at these slippers and yells until he gets them.  While he will take most of our friends shoes,  these shoes are by far the favorites.  Thanks for entertaining our boy, Tom!

Another victim of Asher is a good neighbor friend, who is four.  Whenever she is over or when we are over at her place, he will find and walk around in her shoes.  His favorites are the brown pair, and the bright pink ones!  Unfortunately, I have no pictures of these.

(I really don't know what to say about the last two pictures.  He kept trying to sit on his sippy cup.... not so comfortable looking :) )


Bring on the cowboy boots!


These last two are my favorite pictures of Asher - Love the hair - so sad we cut it - but it's growing back!
"I just woke up, now where's my milk!"

Right as I was about to post this blog, Asher looked at the pictures.  After doing so he ran and grabbed one of his own pair of shoes for one last picture - his Lightening McQueen slippers :)



  1. so freakin' adorable! such a classic photo of him in heels and will make for great blackmail material for future girlfriends :) the rain boots that come up to his thighs are my personal favorite. but seriously, he is too stinkin' cute in all those shoes, love it!

  2. This cracks me up!! What a funny boy!

  3. i pretty much laughed the entire time i read this. too funny!! especially the heels. :)
