Sunday, December 22, 2013

Halloween in Ciudad Juarez and El Paso

This year, Asher had 3 Halloweens - 2 on the Mexican side of the border and 1 in Texas!  Halloween is Sean's favorite holiday and this year it also became Asher's.  As I post this it is the 22nd of December and Asher is more likely to be singing "This is Halloween" than "Jingle Bells."  Having grown up with Sean and all the spooky things (ghosts, ghouls, severed limbs, etc.), there's no fear, only fun.  I think the thing he was most afraid of was the pumpkin's "guts."
A few weeks before Halloween, we carved our Jack-o-Lantern.  Asher wanted a scary face on it, "not a silly face" so we tried to oblige.


Yes - he is giving his Jack-o-Lantern a kiss...


The costume - a Cowboy!  This was the first year where Asher knew exactly what he wanted to be (he's been on a major Toy Story quick lately).  Of course, as we were trying it on, Asher had to put his own spin on it.  Nothing says cowboy like chaps with no pants...

Halloween #1 - Trunk or Treat in El Paso:  This seems to be a uniquely LDS concept, but we decorate the trunks and backs of our cars and kids trick or treat from car to car in the LDS chapel parking lot.  After convincing him to put on some pants, Asher was ready to get going.

He insisted on holding the Jack-o-Lantern on the drive to the church. 

 After collecting his candy, Asher hung out in the back of our car, waiting for the food and games inside.

Krispy Kremes that you have to try and eat off a string without using your hands?  Count us in! Asher also won the cake walk on his second try.  What blog would be complete without an old man handing out cotton candy? 

Halloween #2 - Work Event in Ciudad Juarez: A few short days after Asher had a full bag of candy in El Paso, we went to Sean's work for another party.  Sean was Batman, Shauna was Batgirl, and Asher rocked the cowboy costume again. 
Sean ran into an arch-enemy...
There were lots of things to see, the blow up dancing ghost, the hooded man, and even a broom that moved around on the floor all by itself - that was Asher's favorite. 
He was always curious, never afraid.


Sean's office all dressed up like Super Heroes.  When Sean picked Batman, his #2 in command was less than enthusiastic about being Robin, but got into the spirit of it...


Sean's office also won the prize for scariest decorations.  This was the scene in one of their booths (only older children/adults went in) - as you got close to the glass someone underneath the desk grabs your leg - some great screams resulted:

Halloween #3 - Our neighborhood in Ciudad Juarez.  Mexicans on the border love Halloween.  There were a lot of houses on our neighborhood who decorated and participated.  In order to find out which houses have candy, you walk on the sidewalk or in the middle of the street yelling: "Queremos Halloween" or "We Want Halloween."  Those who are participating open their doors and give out candy.  For weeks after this, Asher would chant "Queremos Halloween" whenever he wanted some Halloween candy - Shauna was not amused by this development. 


With moving ghosts, strobe lights, severed limbs, vampires that pop out and scary music, our house quickly became the Halloween focal point. 


 We carved our pumpkin a couple of days before Halloween.  Apparently, pumpkins don't last very long here in Mexico.  By the time Halloween came around, our fierce and scary pumpkin became our shriveled, decrepit, yet still somewhat scary, pumpkin :)
Happy Halloween!

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