Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday Sean!

A few days ago we celebrated Sean's 30th birthday by playing Rock Band and eating lots of food.  It's been a busy week when it comes to entertaining, and this started things off.  A thanks goes out to Heather for giving me ideas since she is the queen of birthdays/entertaining :)

I made a guitar cake in the spirit of the rock band theme, haha.  Themed cakes aren't just for little kids!!

Look!  I put together a party!  This is a very big day for me, haha :)

Just hanging out, fulfilling our dreams of playing in a rock band :)

Happy Birthday Sean!  Hope it was a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Late Birthday Sean! Great job on the cake Shauna. Loved all the videos of Asher - he is so adorable.
