Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to our Family, Asher!

At exactly 8:00 a.m., on September 7, 2010, Asher Bennett Payne (soon to be Whalen), arrived in this world with the lungs of a banshee :) Weighing in at a whopping 8lbs. 8oz., stretched over 20.5 inches in length, this beautiful little boy was welcomed by a loving crowd of anticipating parents, family, and friends.

After the initial shrieking that was heard down the hallways of the hospital, Asher sprawled out under the warmth of the infant heater, relaxed, and enjoying his freedom of movement. Since then, even through his shots, he has been the most content and well behaved little man...except for the unfortunate incident when he gave his newly minted parents an unexpected, warm, golden shower. Naughty boy :)

Asher, we love you so much already, and we are thrilled that you are now a part of our family. Welcome to the world, and welcome to our family!

Here is the hat the hospital originally gave us...we all thought he either looked like a garden gnome, or an early Christmas present, haha. Sean decided something needed to be done, and went to the gift shop and purchased a brand new Indianapolis Colts beanie celebrating Asher's Indiana roots - Go Colts!! (pic coming soon)


  1. Congrats Whalen's!!! He's adorable!! And I could just nibble on those chubby cheeks. We could not be happier for you and can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you guys! Yay! I hope you get to tell us all about it soon. Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations guys. And...good call on the hat Sean.

  4. I'm so happy for you Shauna and Sean! What an amazing day, and you don't even have to physically recover--bonus! What a beautiful little boy you have (handsome I should say), and a miracle.

  5. He is beautiful (sorry I hopped over from Heather's blog)! Sometimes when your so good lookin' beautiful has to be used. I am loving the name Asher. Congrats and don't be surprised if I hop over again. I can't wait to see all the cute pictures you will have of him. Rachelle
