Friday, August 23, 2013

Albania days - Fun and ... Mud

Going through our pictures, I found some of our final couple of months in Albania - of Asher with his friends, and just relaxing around the house :)  Looking back, I remember how much fun we had in Albania and how much we are going to miss it!
Asher's signature outfit...diaper, and his signature look...scowling :)
See the rainbow in the background?
Just hanging out with his best buddy, eating an apple, in their diapers.  I believe this was after a muddy day, and their clothes were sullied for the day :)

Asher found my boots, and enjoyed walking around in them...
And then playing with his toys in them!

Hanging out on dad :)

We had pulled out the walker for our friends to use, but they were packing out and gave it back.  While it is meant for babies, apparently that didn't stop Asher! 
He will use anything that moves as a bumper car!

A little big perhaps, but he made it happen!

Watching his first favorite movie - The Lorax.  We love this movie :)

Working out.


Albania has a rainy season.  It lasted from December to April, or about that.  With the rainy season, obviously comes mud.  Going out to play was no simple act anymore, but the kids sure did have fun!  I can't tell you how many outfits I've scrubbed mud out of, and I was definitely ready for the rainy season to be done, but good times were had in the mud by everyone :)
The beginning of the muddy days... 
Having a "moment" - Don't take a picture of me when I'm refusing to walk up these steps mom.

Discovering the mud with his friend...

Look I can stand in it, and....Splash!!!  Let the muddy games begin!


Sharing a mud flavored ice cream cone :)

Another day of fun in the mud...

Oops, he splashed himself with mud :)


Flying over the mud

I love these next few pictures.  Asher was able to make such good friends in Albania.  We love and miss them so much!

Welcome to the age of technology!

The aftermath of a mud playing day :)


After a good mud day, we always need to come in and have some hot chocolate to warm us up :)

Mmmmm, good to the very last drop!


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